Portola Activities and Events
Activities in and around PortolaTop of Page
Plumas County Museum

The concept of an active "living museum" is evidenced by the dozens of different exhibits, events, meetings and functions held at the Plumas County Museum.
It houses an excellent display of baskets, woven by the Mountain Maidu Indians. There are also many pieces of equipment on display, that were used by pioneer's in their endeavors to carve out a life for themselves, in the rugged west.
The Industrial History Wing features Railroads of Plumas County, Gold Mining on the Feather River, and TIMBER!, an exhibit about the lumber industry of the county.
Due to severe budget cuts the Plumas County Museum Association is open Tuesday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call for Sunday hours.
Plumas CountyMuseum
500 Jackson Street
Quincy, CA. 95971
(530) 283-6320
(530) 283-6081 - FAX
For More information please click here, https://www.plumasmuseum.org/

Western Pacific Railroad Museum-Portola

We have plenty to see and do, we offer locomotive rides, and museum tours!
The Western Pacific Railroad Museum is located atop the headwaters of the North Fork of the Feather River in the quaint mountain town of Portola.
The Feather River Canyon is beautiful country year round, with plenty to see and do all year.
Lodging, restaurants, and plenty of shopping options are available in Portola, along with many options for family fun.
700 Western Pacific Way, Portola, California 96122 | 1-530-832-4131 | email us at: info@wplives.org
Click here for website, http://www.wplives.org/

Jim Beckwourth Museum

Jim Beckwourth was an African American who played a major role in the early exploration and settlement of the American West.
Beckwourth was the only African American who recorded his life story, and his adventures took him from the everglades of Florida to the Pacific Ocean and from southern Canada to northern Mexico.
Location: 1820 Rocky Point Road, Portola, CA. East of Portola off Hwy 70
Open: Weekends from 1-4 p.m. Memorial Day through Labor Day; other times by appointment.
Admission: Free
To Reserve a Tour Call: (530) 832-4888
Open: Weekends from 1-4 p.m. Memorial Day through Labor Day; other times by appointment.
Admission: Free
To Reserve a Tour Call: (530) 832-4888
Website Information: http://www.ci.portola.ca.us/jim-beckwourth-museum.html & http://www.chamberorganizer.com/easternplumaschamber/mem_jbeckwourth

Williams House Museum

Stop by this beautifully restored 1031 log home right on Highway 70 at the east end of Portola for a look at local family histories, photographs, handmade quilts, and a guided tour.
It is a historical point of reference, step into this old log house and learn about Portola`s early history. Walk through the home that for many years belonged to The Williams Family.
Find us at 424 East Sierra Ave., Portola, Ca. 96122.

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