Current Board Agenda
Wednesday March19, 2025 at 5:30 PM At Long Valley School
436-965 Susan Drive, Doyle, CA 96109
436-965 Susan Drive, Doyle, CA 96109
Teleconference Participation Available via Zoom
Teleconference Participation from:
257 E. Sierra St. Suite C Street, Portola, CA. 96122
and 995 Paiute Lane, Susanville, CA. 96130
Upon request, this agenda will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with
disabilities, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Any
person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in a
meeting should direct such request to Sherri Morgan, Executive Director/ Superintendent at
530-257-2395 at least 48 hours before the meeting, if possible.
I. Call to order and roll call Time: PM
Shaun Giese ☐ Wilma Kominek ☐ Stacy Kirklin ☐ Jason Ingram ☐ Allegra Isbell ☐
Shaun Giese ☐ Wilma Kominek ☐ Stacy Kirklin ☐ Jason Ingram ☐ Allegra Isbell ☐
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Approval of the agenda
IV. Consent Agenda
Board Items under the consent agenda are routine and will be enacted by one motion unless any
member of the Board or public requests that an item be removed for separate consideration and
placed in the regular order of business following approval of the consent agenda.
Board Items under the consent agenda are routine and will be enacted by one motion unless any
member of the Board or public requests that an item be removed for separate consideration and
placed in the regular order of business following approval of the consent agenda.
A. Board Minutes
Regular Meeting 2-19-25; Special Meeting 2-19-25; Special Meeting 3-12-25
B. Bills and Warrants: 1/1/25-1/31/25
C. Updated Enrollment Periods
Regular Meeting 2-19-25; Special Meeting 2-19-25; Special Meeting 3-12-25
B. Bills and Warrants: 1/1/25-1/31/25
C. Updated Enrollment Periods
V. Public Comments
Members of the public may address the Board on agenda or non-agenda items at regular meetings; at
special meetings, the public is limited to discussion of items on the agenda. At regular meetings,
non-agenda items will be heard during the “Public Comment” section. Specific discussion on items on
the agenda will be heard immediately after the board chair announces the item. We ask that
comments are limited to three (3) minutes each unless the Chairperson of the Board grants a longer
or shorter period of time depending upon the number of speakers and the size of the agenda. We
you would identify yourself with your name when addressing the Board.
Members of the public may address the Board on agenda or non-agenda items at regular meetings; at
special meetings, the public is limited to discussion of items on the agenda. At regular meetings,
non-agenda items will be heard during the “Public Comment” section. Specific discussion on items on
the agenda will be heard immediately after the board chair announces the item. We ask that
comments are limited to three (3) minutes each unless the Chairperson of the Board grants a longer
or shorter period of time depending upon the number of speakers and the size of the agenda. We
you would identify yourself with your name when addressing the Board.
VI. Reports
A. Board Members
B. Executive Director
C. Finance Report:
D. Program Reports – submitted in writing: Campus Locations, Counseling, Adult Education,
Curriculum & Instruction, Safety, and Agriculture
A. Board Members
B. Executive Director
C. Finance Report:
D. Program Reports – submitted in writing: Campus Locations, Counseling, Adult Education,
Curriculum & Instruction, Safety, and Agriculture
VII. Information Items
A. Asbestos Inspections & Plan
B. Mental Health CTE Presentation– Ariel Boiselle
A. Asbestos Inspections & Plan
B. Mental Health CTE Presentation– Ariel Boiselle
VIII. Action Items
A. Discussion and possible action regarding approval of Second Interim Budget.
A. Discussion and possible action regarding approval of Second Interim Budget.
B. Discussion and possible action regarding approval of updated Suspension and Expulsion Policy
C. Discussion and possible action regarding approval of additional security cameras and visitor
check in equipment.
check in equipment.
D. Discussion and possible action regarding approval of renewal of Internet Zone Controllers.
E. Discussion and possible action regarding approval of moving copier lease agreements to Forest
F. Discussion and possible action regarding approval of Handbook of Food Services Procedures.
G. Discussion and possible action regarding approval of updated job description for K12 SWP
Pathways Coordinator.
Pathways Coordinator.
H. Discussion and possible action regarding approval of moving operating account from US Bank to
Umpqua Bank.
Umpqua Bank.
IX. Closed Session
While meetings of the Board of Directors must be open to the public, California law provides for
closed sessions which are not open to the public for matters including when the Board is
considering expulsions, suspension, or disciplinary actions in connection with any pupil, the
appointment, employment or dismissal of a public officer or employee, hearing complaints or charges
against a public officer or employee or is discussing aspects of salary negotiations, conference
with real property negotiator, liability claims, and conference with legal counsel.
Report Out:
While meetings of the Board of Directors must be open to the public, California law provides for
closed sessions which are not open to the public for matters including when the Board is
considering expulsions, suspension, or disciplinary actions in connection with any pupil, the
appointment, employment or dismissal of a public officer or employee, hearing complaints or charges
against a public officer or employee or is discussing aspects of salary negotiations, conference
with real property negotiator, liability claims, and conference with legal counsel.
Report Out:
Session concluded at PM
X. Future Items: Bus Conduct Policy, Reserves
XI. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at PM. The next regular meeting will be held on
Wednesday, April 23, 2025.
Wednesday, April 23, 2025.
Zoom Details
Dial In: 669 900 6833
Meeting ID: 862 5425 6369 Passcode: h8051Z or 831269